Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Handicaps and Special Needs Essay

Handicaps and Special Needs people are those who are not considered â€Å"normal† because of their physical (blindness), mental (mental retardation), motor (unable to walk properly) or Auditory Perception Disability (â€Å"difficulty distinguishing subtle differences in shapes, reversing letters like â€Å"d† and â€Å"b† or â€Å"p and â€Å"q†, or confusing â€Å"E† and â€Å"3. â€Å"). Disability can be mild or severe. Because of their disabilities they may be unable to perform tasks, even simple routine ones like eating, walking or taking a bath without assistance from others. Assistance may be in the form of help extended like when a sibling will help a blind brother reach certain destination by holding his hand or in the form of modification to accommodate their disability like schools for mentally retarded children were specially designed in a manner that mentally impaired person are able to grasp certain lessons. Disabilities may be acquired at birth or certain period of life when they meet accidents or developed illness. This essay will discuss on three examples of handicapped and special needs. One example of handicap as cited above is blindness (physical disability). Blindness of course means that a person is unable to see. It is much easier to guide and assists a person who is not blind from birth. By then he already knows a lot of things, he knew the color red or how a tree looks or he can distinguish a cow from a lion without the necessity of touching. He can easily roam around the house or other familiar places without any assistance. For a blind person at birth, on the other hand, it may be difficult at first because they had never seen the things around them so they do not have any mental picture. For them, touching, listening and tasting are essential for learning (â€Å"Blindness† 1995). He never knew what circle is before so his hands need to touch a circle. In the case of Helen Keller, the famous blind woman, Anne Sullivan taught her what water was by letting water run down to her hands. To help them learn alphabet, Braille was invented wherein the letters were represented in the form of dots. With patience and perseverance however, a blind person, even those born blind, are able to live and enjoy a normal life with minimum assistance from others. An example of people with special needs is the autistic (learning disability). Medical experts classify Autism as a developmental disorder caused by the defective functioning of the brain. This disorder is characterized by failure to interact socially (do not play with other kids), failure in the use of language (inability to learn to talk) and engaging in repetitive and obsessive behaviors (playing with a certain toy for hours or constant twirling and turning). Autistic persons have limited interests and activities and they usually unable to understand emotional signals like anger or sadness and they do not respond when their names are called. If parents are observant they can detect that their child is autistic even as young as 18 months. Their early warning signs are their inability to make eye contact or respond to cooing appropriately like most babies do. Other signs that a child is autistic are: repetition of certain words or phrases when they are frightened or disturbed, pulling of their hair to mean that they are hurt or withdrawal from interaction with others, even with parents; they prefer to be alone and to â€Å"create their own world†, whatever that may be (â€Å"Pervasive† 2007). Parents of these children needs to be educated how to respond properly to this children and therapy and speech instructions are often recommended for an autistic person. Specialized schools are also available for them. A third example of handicapped is motor disability due to inability to use certain muscle groups resulting to difficulty in walking, running or climbing (motor disability). This may be a mild from of disability and wherein muscle therapy or medication is needed to cure the problem (An Introduction† p. 2). The aim of any normal person is to make living and working accessible for these types of people so that they also will be afforded opportunities for normal living. References â€Å"An Introduction to Special Needs†(2007). Retrieved October 1, 2007 from http://serch. cofc. edu/special/IntroductionToSpecialNeeds. pdf â€Å"Blindness†(1995). Kids Health. Retrieved October 1, 2007 from http://www. kidshealth. org/kid/health_problems/sight/visual_impaired. html â€Å"Pervasive Developmental Disorder†(2007). National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke. Retrieved October 1,2007 from http://www. ninds. nih. gov/disorders/pdd/pdd. htm#Is_there_any_treatment

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Celebrity Exploitation

No to Celebrity Exploitation Celebrities have been the eye-candy for mostly all walks of life. Many look up to celebrities whether it’s because of their beauty, talent, and or their accomplishments in life. Because of those reasons, celebrity culture has become one of our national obsessions. We feel the need to know every single thing that happens with all the famous stars, and have no problem invading their personal space. The paparazzi make celebrities feel like they’re a moving target – even when they’re not in public. They shouldn’t need to feel like that.Celebrities should be entitled to live without paparazzi exploitation, because at the end of the day, being a celebrity is just a job. They are people, too, and they are not entitled to entertain us with their private lives. There are many celebrities who have their privacy breached, and one of the recent celebrities to be exploited would be Kate Middleton. The Duchess of Cambridge has always been in the spotlight from the very beginning: to every event she has attended, her wedding, and now, her honeymoon – which was supposed to be personal.Tabloids everywhere published bottomless pictures of Kate Middleton, while she was on her second honeymoon with her husband. I feel the paparazzi have gone TOO far, with breaching one’s privacy. Is it really necessary to take pictures of people naked (yes, celebrities are people, too), without their consent? Kate Middleton has always been a huge role model for many people around the world, and to have the paparazzi try to degrade her image by exposing her personal body parts to the world is not right. Yes, she’s royalty, but she’s still human.I doubt any of you would like to have pictures of you naked leak out all over the internet without your permission. Before the bottomless scandal of Kate Middleton, there was another celebrity, which in my opinion, shouldn’t have been harassed the way she has g otten for her actions. Kristen Stewart, a very well-known actress, who have mostly gotten her fame from being the lead actress in â€Å"The Twilight Series†, had been heavily criticized by society, because she slept with her director – who is married and has children.But for crying out loud, Kristen is how old? 22? Her brain isn’t even fully developed yet, since the human brain fully matures at 25, according to a National Institutes of Health study. Jodie Foster, a well-known actress wrote a critique of Kristen Stewart, defending her. She wrote that, yes, celebrities get huge salaries, but that doesn’t mean that the media has a right to invade their privacy, and destroy someone’s sense of self. Kristen doesn’t deserve all the crap she’s been getting – at the end of the day, she’s only human.All of us make mistakes. So many people have affairs and they’re not being bashed on, what makes Kristen different? Creating tabloids about her mistakes isn’t helping with her well-being, and that’s why so many young celebrities turn out to be ill and do other reckless things. Many young celebrities have been consumed by the media’s judgement, and end up drowning themselves in drugs, sex, and parties to try and get away from it all. A perfect example would be Lindsay Lohan.Lindsay started her career at the age of 3, and now, she is currently 26 years old. Being 26, she has already been arrested several times for reckless driving and possession of drugs. Not to mention, her wild party lifestyle at the clubs. Now, she’s looked down upon many, after each and every mistake she has done. The paparazzi is partly to blame for trying to constantly expose these celebrities and their mistakes, feeling as if they are a moving target, being judge constantly by society to fit a certain standard just because they’re famous.The last celebrity, in my opinion, who is a great example of g etting over-exploited by paparazzi, was Princess Diana. Princess Diana was killed in a car crash, while trying to get away from paparazzi. This is a perfect example of a celebrity who has been harassed by paparazzi to a point of death, just because they wanted to get the new scoop of her and her lover, Dodi Fayed. I don’t think famous people should have to struggle being constantly harassed by paparazzi.It’s hard enough having to fit everyone’s standards of being a celebrity in public -good fashion, pretty face and body, and personality. They shouldn’t feel the need to fit that persona when they’re not in public. In conclusion, celebrities are normal people, too. They shouldn’t get criticized by media if they have been caught by the paparazzi doing things that may be considered scandalous. I’m pretty sure many people do what celebrities do in their private life, in their everyday lives.Yes, celebrities make more money and are generall y far more interesting than normal people, but sometimes, a little too much attention from the media can affect their personal lives. Being a celebrity is a job. And just like any other job, there’s a time and place just to have your personal time. Paparazzi can take pictures of celebrities when they’re in public, but please, they shouldn’t go so far as to invading one’s private life just to gain money. Just try putting yourself in these famous people’s shoes – I bet you wouldn’t want your personal lives be exploited, am I right?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study of Holistic Nursing Practices in Context

Case Study of Holistic Nursing Practices in Context Introduction The nursing profession has been defined as a very personal and interactive profession (Yura and Walsh, 1998) and to deliver and provide good patient care many authors have suggested that individualised care ensures that the patient is viewed as a person and as an individual within a set of certain circumstances (Meleis, 1991). To ensure patients are viewed as an individual within a set of circumstances (Meleis, 1991) it is useful for nursing practitioners to adopt a holistic approach to care. Holistic nursing is defined as a process where the patients are not simply treated due to the physical symptoms of a disease or condition, but are considered as a whole and the the totality of the person being treated is explored to include: mental, emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, relational, contextual and environmental aspects (Mueller, 2010). This assignment will focus on a patient case study and will explore the nursing intervention, assessment and individualised care t he patient received. When presenting a patient case study it is essential to acknowledge the issues surrounding confidentiality. The Nursing and Midwifery Council state in the code of standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (NMC, 2008a) that it is essential to ‘make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity’ and this is an important consideration when writing an essay based on a case study. To ensure that this assignment complies with the Code of Professional Practice (NMC, 2008a) the author will ensure that client confidentiality will be maintained and respected throughout. To ensure that client confidentiality is upheld, the client selected for this assignment will only be referred to as Mrs P so that no personal identification or features of their care is highlighted; furthermore to ensure confidentiality is upheld, although this assignment case study has been selected from a client e ncountered by the author in clinical practice from their training and student development, no identifying hospital details, places of reference, names of service providers or dates of intervention will be supplied. Mrs P – A Clinical Case Study Mrs P is a 78 year old lady who currently lives alone in a centrally located council owned property in a town in the West Midlands. Mrs P was married in the 1950’s and her husband worked in an engineering factory until he had to retire due to ill health and he then unfortunately passed away in the mid 1990’s. Mrs P has lived alone since this time, moving in 2001 from their family home to a smaller council owned first floor flat. Mrs P was born in the West Midlands to an Irish father and English mother and she is the only surviving sibling of a family of six. Mrs P has two sons and a daughter, who unfortunately died from breast cancer, aged 56. Mrs P’s two sons who live locally. Mrs P left school age 14 and went to work as a cleaner in a factory; she left employment to raise her children but prior to this she worked in a munitions factory during the war. Mrs P did not work again once she was married and has had financial support through the governments benefit system and through a small private pension obtained through her husband’s company.

Nursing Culture Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing Culture Groups - Essay Example Nasser is being respected would not mean that the young Samia will not receive treatment, which can only be best administered after examination on her private part. To ensure this balance, Mrs. Nasser must resort to negotiation. The negotiations must be made on fair grounds such that the nurse must not be seen as taking an entrenched position. She must persuade Mrs. Nasser to come to the compromise willingly. iii. Cultural care re-patterning or restructuring: This should be the final step or strategy but it must not be taken for an act of eliminating the culture of Mrs. Nasser or indoctrinating her with the nurses’ own style of culture or what she deems as best. However, she can restructure Mrs. Nasser by pleading with her to be tolerant and flexible with her culture. She will allow Mrs. Nasser to enjoy the best of services whereas she goes; especially for her own good and welfare. 3. How might the nurse ensure that Mrs. Nasser’s concerns are addressed appropriately and that Samia has received the appropriate care? The concluding situation to achieve out of this whole situation should be a win-win affair. This is to say that as much as the concerns and cultural believes of Mrs. Nasser must be respected, it is also important that Mrs. Nasser’s daughter receives the needed care and treatment. Basing on the congruent strategy of negotiation, the nurse must be in a position to convince Mrs. Nasser to compromise for the examination to be carried out. The compromise will however not come easily and this is where the nurse has a lot of work to do. The nurse actually has a duty to explain herself clearly to Mrs. Nasser to win her heart. She must make Mrs. Nasser understand that the reason for the... From this research it is clear that it is important for the nurse to understand that her professionalism as a nurse transcends beyond her ability to give medical health to a patient. It also includes an ability to have a cordial and congenial atmosphere with clients and patients such that the clients and patients can have emotional health as well. The nurse should therefore respond by giving the patient enough room to express all her concerns so that after having all the substance of the concerns, she can strategies to address them one after the other. The rationale here is that when patients and clients are given enough room to express themselves, they co-operate better with nurses and nurses have the opportunity of giving them detailed healthcare. Communication is an important aspect of the nursing practice. It becomes even more important when nurses have to communicate not just among themselves as professionals but must communicate with their clients and patients, who must underst and the nurses as professionals from a layman point of view. Due to this, nurses must learn to make themselves understood through the use of the right and most appropriate communication mechanisms. Communication is therefore critical when it is done at the interpersonal relationship level. Even more critical is when nurses have to communicate with people from different cultural background. When this situation arises, the nurse does not just have to make the patient understand him or her as a professional from a layman point of view but that the nurse must do everything possible to ensure that the communication is appropriate from the judgment and perspective of the client or patient.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


CRITIQUE OF EARLY CHRISTIAN TEXT-- --POLYCARP'S LETTER TO THE PHILIPPIANS - Essay Example The date of the Letter is hardly satisfactorily determined; often scientists take as the reference point martyrdom of Polycarp (Palmer 3). The texts written in this period (late 1st and early 2nd centuries) have been influenced in more or less grade Jewish motifs that â€Å"pervaded Christian thinking and practice at this primitive stage† (Patristic literature). The Holy Spirit even in extremely bias translations saves all the major doctrines. In every way it leads the person to Jesus. There are several translations of the Epistle of Polycarp and each of them has something to convey and bring (Church History 39). The doubts against the authenticity of it, especially the last chapters, surviving only in the ancient Latin text, cannot be considered thoroughly, because critics did not want to accept the message of Polycarp in its full form as it contained the words about the letters of Ignatius Antioch. The Epistle to the Philippians was written shortly after the death of St. Ignatius. It was caused by a petition to the Christians of the city Philip of habeas letters of Ignatius to Polycarp and other Christians, what he had, to them. Fulfilling their request, the Bishop of Smyrna gives them a number of Christian teachings, warns against the heretics, tells the responsibilities of presbyters and deacons, men and virgins, spouses and widows, he convinces to avoid covetousness, to practice praying and fasting, and instills patience and love for enemies. For a long time the Greek text of the Polycarp`s Letter contained first only 9 chapters and the remaining 5 chapters were preserved in the ancient Latin translation. So from the point of view of contemporary scholars they could be placed to a category of Jewish-Christian literature. Polycarp`s letter is a sign of growing awareness of the traditions of Christianity. His letter is also supplemented with verses from the New Testament: â€Å"The strong root

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Divorce and Remarriages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Divorce and Remarriages - Essay Example For the divorce option to be accepted the church need to consider the divorce’s ground according to scriptures. The main grounds for divorce according to the New Testament are on either desertion by an unbeliever or sexual sin features (Adams 1986, p.24).   These features comprise of sexual sin like homosexuality, incest, bestiality and adultery. In the case one of the partners violates the intimacy and unity of marriage by any of the sexual sins, thereby forsaking the covenant responsibility the faithful member is left in a very difficult situation. Under such condition, the bible permits the release of the faithful partner via divorce. After divorce has occurred the faithful partner is free to remarry if at all the divorce took place on biblical grounds. However, in case of people divorce on other grounds, they have sinned against both their partners and God. In mark 10:11-12, if these partners remarry, they will be considered to have committed an act of adultery. Paul made an explanation for this and proposed any person who divorces sinfully should remain unmarried for the rest of their life unless either of them reconciles with her or his partner (Cherlin 1992, p.54). The Jesus’ teachings on the issues of divorce should be read repeatedly in both the church and at home. It should be done in every part of the world in the essence of spreading the gospel. The society has witnessed an increase in the number of remarriages and divorces in the present days. The main reason of this problem facing the society is that people tend to ignore the instructions that are provided in the bible. Some people also tend to listen to what other men think about the teachings of Jesus rather that reading for themselves in the bible (House & Laney 1990, p.76).  

Friday, July 26, 2019

The purpose and history of penitentiaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The purpose and history of penitentiaries - Essay Example Thereafter, the Samarian records stated that an individual was to face death penalty for murder trials. In the â€Å"Law of Eshunna†, the punishment was based on a person’s social class; that is, those of the lower class were punished differently from those in the upper class. This law covered every aspect of a person’s social life which included divorce, marriage, and loans. This essay will there discuss the purpose and history of penitentiaries in depth, giving an analysis on how some people were punished for their wrong deeds. During the ambitious age of reform that came after the American Revolution, as a new nation, America was inspired to make a profound change in its public institutions. The country was also inspired to become the world’s example in social development. All the current American institutions; educational, governmental, and medical, were revolutionized during this time by the humanistic and rational principles of Enlightenment. From all the mentioned innovations during this period, the American democracy was the most influential. Second on the list was the intellectual export in prison reform and design (Colvin, 1997). Most prisons in the U.S during the 18th century were simply in form large holding pens. In these prisons, men and women, adults and children, and murderers and petty thieves, had their issues and affairs sorted out behind locked doors. Mutilation and physical punishment were so common during this period, and prisoners being abused by overseers and guards were totally assumed. In 1788, a group of famous and powerful Philadelphians converged at the home of Benjamin Franklin. These members of The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons expressed their concern about the poor condition of American prisons. Dr. Benjamin Rush talked the goal of the Society, which was to ensure that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sets international standards for the prisons. He proposed a radical idea which was to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Health Care System of the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Care System of the USA - Essay Example The healthcare system is a blend of public and private funding. Unlike US, in the UK, all residents are entitled to cover under UK National Health Service (NHS). Though the parameters of the NHS are not clearly defined, the National Health Service Act 1977 places a general responsibility on the Secretary of State to provide services "to such extent, as he considers necessary to meet all reasonable requirements". However, the U.S. health system has some major public funded elements. Apart from having public hospitals in older cities, a policy called Medicare gives taxation-financed coverage for the elderly and disabled, mostly to people over the age of 65 years. Privately owned hospitals or physicians in private practice generally provide another utility called Medicaid. Being a federal and state initiative, the program provides coverage to people with low-income and disabled persons. In order to be eligible for Medicare, individuals or their spouses should have worked for at least 10 years in institutions which are covered by Medicare and are at least 65 years old and are a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America. People under the per-requisite age can also be covered provided they are disabled or have end stage renal disease. In such cases, the people concerned should be receiving handicap benefits from either Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board for at least 24 months before automatic enrolment occurs. USA also has another important public initiative called The Department of Veterans Affairs. This caters to providing exclusive health care to military personals. This includes medical coverage to injured U.S. military veterans and also to contemporary servicemen and women. Interestingly, the policy does not cover the health sectors of those veterans who are non-injured. The policy operates through a nation-wide network of government hospitals. Then there is something called the Home health care services. These are usually confined to nursing enterprises, and work on the advice of physicians. In the private sector, medical care is provided by personal physicians (doctors who specialise subjects such as internal medicine, family medicine, and paediatrics medicine), physicians who are specialists (such as neurologists, gastroenterologists, urologists, cardiologists, or paediatric endocrinologists) or non-physicians (people practising nursing and those who train for physician assistants like radiologists). Hospitals in the private sector include ones run by private corporations. On the other hand, county governments, state governments, religious orders, or independent non-profit organisations generally run the social or the non-profit hospitals. Apart from this, there are also hospitals that provide outpatient care in their emergency rooms and speciality clinics (like Surgicenters). However, these hospitals primarily provide inpatient care. The government also subsidises rates for terminally ill patients. The prenatal clinics, family planning counselling, and dysplasia clinics are government-funded and are usually staffed by nurse practitioners. On a comparative ground, the US has the most expensive health care system in the world. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pollution Monitoring and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Pollution Monitoring and Control - Essay Example There are various sources of freshwater across the world, however these resources are in danger of being exploited and mismanaged not only due to human error, but also because of ecological degradation. The primary sources of pollution in freshwater is associated to untreated wastes being discharged irresponsibly, companies dumping industrial effluents, as well as the by-product of the run-off produced by agricultural areas. The causes continues to increase due to the societal urbanization and the growth of industries, which brings about the utilization of synthetic organic substances that cause considerable effects on sources of freshwater bodies (Hogan, 2010). It has been well known that countries that are developed are those who experience the issue of chemical discharges integrated in their water sources, whereas developing nations come across water pollution due to agricultural by products. Such concerns then affect the health of the people as there are chemicals and substances in drinking water, which leads to illnesses (Schueler, 2000). Water Pollution Water pollution entails any modification in the quality of water as adversely impacted by any organism or substance. There are various types of water pollutants and there are those that are fatal when consumed. Pollution varies, although the common organism that affects the health of humans is attributed to pathogenic organisms. Such organisms roots from human wastes that are not treated appropriately. Two forms of water pollution can be differentiated based on its source, the point and non-point sources (Biswas, 2008). Point sources are water pollutants that are derived from singular dump site of plants, companies and factories. This type of source is considered easier to monitor due to the designated sites wherein the wastes are dumped, which makes the types of pollutants under point sources easier to regulate. On the other hand, non-point sources are those that are produced in a scattered manner based from various areas or runoff from agricultural fields. The latter is harder to regulate because there is no designated area to monitor or regulate (EPA, 2006). Human Health and Water-borne Diseases Water-borne illnesses are those that are acquired through consuming contaminated water. Major ity of these illnesses are infectious and are caused by human waste, while others are due to chemicals that serve as contaminants. Illnesses caused by pathogens are more prevalent in developing countries as caused by poor sanitary practices. These organisms are integrated in water sources, which becomes in direct contact to individuals ingesting food and water. On the other hand, chemicals that contaminate water are naturally in land, but come into contact with water due to human activity (Nwachcuku & Gerba, 2004). The researcher will expound on 1) pathogens and 2) chemicals, as water pollutants that affect the health of humans. Pathogens One of the most common types of water pollutants are pathogens. Pathogens usually take the form of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms. These are derived from human and animal wastes, which cause water-borne illnesses. The integration of these pathogens in water is dangerous to human beings, as ingestion of contaminated water would be d etrimental to the consumer’s health (Marechal, Ahmad, Engerrand, Galeazzi, & Touchard, 2006). Not only does it induce symptoms that negatively impact the patient’s over all well-being, but it also progresses to illnesses that can cause permanent damage to the individual’s internal organs. There are also instances that such diseases can lead to death (Biswas, Tortajada, Braga, & Rodriguez, 2006). The highest probability of ingesting water with microbes are those

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Neuroscience Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Neuroscience - Article Example the center 4 tiles), the amount of time a rat spent in the center of the field (i.e. the center 4 tiles), and the number of tile crossings all indicated that rats treated with LiCl had indeed reduced risk taking, locomotor activity and exploratory behavior when undergoing the open-field test compared to sodium chloride (NaCl) treated control rats. Note, the tendency of the rat to cling and spend much time on the walls of the test apparatus indicates a high level of anxiety or fear. On the contrary, a less fearful rat portrays the tendency of greater exploration within the experiment apparatus. As such, the rats that had been injected with LiCl spent much time on the walls of the apparatus – a sign of increased fear and high level of anxiety. The results obtained in this test were in agreement with other studies previously conducted. Laboratory observations have suggested an interaction between lithium chloride (LiCl) and exploratory behavior of rats. Studies have confirmed that LiCl administration tends to suppress locomotor activity in rats (Johnson et al., 1972). An open field apparatus was used to observe the exploratory behavior and the movement of the rats one hour after the injection of LiCl. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of LiCl on risk taking, exploratory behavior, and locomotor activity of rats. The behavioral pharmacology test conducted was aimed at seeing the effectiveness of Lithium chloride on the various specimens used and their response. The experiment used Lithium Chloride as the main ingredient and sodium chloride as the control solution. The main objective of the experiment was an observation of the effects of taking against not taking Lithium chloride and on the other hand taking sodium chloride. We used an Open Field Apparatus from whence we could observe the behavior of the rat immediately after the injection with the drug.

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Example for Free

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Each week, the discussion questions will examine issues in the reading. This thread is meant to foster a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how that knowledge is applied to in real life situations. Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion responses should be around 100 words; responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and that advance the discussion of each topic. Your initial response is to be made no later than Saturday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Additional responses are to be made no later than Tuesday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Your posts are to be substantive, referenced and free of grammatical and spelling errors. When you are ready, respond to one of the topics below. Please be sure to specify which topic you are responding to. 1. Discuss the different types of blood vessels and how their structure is uniquely suited to their functions. 2. Choose a major region of the body (for example, the thorax) and discuss the arteries and veins of that region. 3. Discuss the positive and possible negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system. 4. Identify and discuss the primary factors involved in the generation and regulation of blood pressure and explain the relationships among these factors. 5. Explain why a pressure difference must exist between the aorta and the right atrium. 6. Explain hepatic portal circulation. How is it different from normal circulation, and what advantages are gained from this type of circulation? This is a fun topic for a fitness trainer. The cardiovascular system is complex, but it’s even more complex when you start to factor in exercise while explaining it. Aerobic fitness is an important component of physical fitness. When your muscles need oxygen, your aerobic (cardiovascular) system must be able to efficiently deliver it to them. When your body has waste products that need to be expelled (e.g. carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products), your heart-lung complex must be up to the task. These two tasks form the functional basis of aerobic fitness. Positive effects include increasing your level of available energy, aid in relieving depression, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase the good (HDL) cholesterol. Everyone needs to be able to efficiently take oxygen into their lungs and blood and pump it to their working muscles where it is utilized to oxidize carbohydrates and fats to produce energy. If you are concerned about your health, particularly the risk of heart disease, you need to accept the fact that aerobic training can have a critical effect on the quantity and quality of your life. Some negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system can include a possible heart attack or stroke. Some people can tend to push themselves to hard or they can start off working out by pushing their heart a little harder than it’s used to. It’s not a very good idea to go out and try to run a marathon if you’ve spent most of your life sedentary. I used to be one of those people until I found out in 2007 that I had Tachycardia (a heart rate that is too fast). I had to adjust my workouts to accommodate the situation to include slowing down my runs and taking longer rest intervals when lifting weights.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eng Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Eng Compare and Contrast Essay This paper will be examining two theories on personality development; Sigmund Freud’s argument on the three structures of personality and Albert Bandura’s findings on social learning also called observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Sigmund Freud the neurologist based his study on his grown mental patients while Albert Bandura the psychologist based his theory on observing young children within pre-set environments. Both Sigmund Freud and Albert Bandura have two different academic approaches to personality development. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. A theory can be defined as, â€Å"A coherent set of ideas that helps to explain data and make predictions† (Santrock, 1989, p. 33). Santrock further explained that a theory makes assumptions that can be tested to determine their accuracy. Personality, according to the Oxford Dictionary from is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. In other words it is the combination of mental, emotional and physical character traits that are peculiar to an individual. The Oxford Dictionary also defined development as â€Å"A specified state of growth or advancement; or a change in situation.† Both Freud’s and Bandura’s theories are based on personality development. Sigmund Freud presented an argument that man’s personality is mainly governed by three different levels of consciousness or mental state; the id, the ego and the super-ego. He argued that the id is a demanding inborn force that drives a newborn to desire food, pass urine, defecate, be warm and gain sexual pleasure. He went on further to argue that the id demands immediate gratification and personal pleasure. It usually wants satisfaction and is ruled by what Freud called the pleasure principle. Freud presented the argument that this kind of self-gratifying behavior in infants is inborn not learned. For example, a young child will shamelessly play with its genitals in pursuit of the pleasure it receives. This child will seek this sexual pleasure regardless of where he/she is, or who is watching because according to Freud’s theory, the id is totally unconscious (Santrock, 1989, p. 34). While on the other hand, Albert Bandura did not present any argument on the children’s inborn nature (Witt Mossler, 2010). However, Bandura focused his study on how external forces such as caregivers and other children around them affected children’s behavior. He argued and demonstrated in his experiments that children carefully observed and modeled or copied the behavior of others around them. He went on further to suggest that those children who watched television also modeled the behavior that they witnessed on the screen. Dr. Bandura demonstrated in his experiment, how children learned and copied aggressive behavior towards a toy clown. He placed the clown along with many other toys and the children in a room. As part of the experiment, several adults walked through the room, each one hitting the clown in passing. The children in the room, after observing the adult behavior, modeled it by hitting the clown without any prompting or provocation. Unlike Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura had no medical explanation attached to his assumptions. Freud’s next level is the super-ego. It is the conscience that governs behavior that is socially accepted. It is the level that teaches humans to imitate the behavior of his/her caregivers within the environment (Witt Mossler, 2010, p. 5 chapter 2). Similarly Bandura’s social learning states that children imitate the adults around them. This means that their super-ego governs their behavior just as Freud claimed. This is illustrated when girls play dress-up to look just like their mothers and boys display aggressive behavior just like their fathers. This means that Freud’s argument on super-ego which is formed through social learning is the same as Bandura’s observational learning (Witt Mossler, 2010). Freud’s final mental level of personality is the conscious mind named the ego; it balances the demands of the id and the super-ego. According to Freud, the ego makes rational decisions (Santrock, 1989 p. 34). An example of this is a New Yorker’s internal drive (id) to avoid buying a train ticket and jump over the turnstile at the subway station. The super-ego cautions against that behavior because of the probability of getting caught while the conscious, rational ego points away from the long line at the ticket counter and towards ticket vending machines that are available. The ego satisfies both the id (got on the train) and the super-ego (acted within the law). Similarly, Bandura’s social learning theory speaks to conforming to social behavior within the children’s environment (Witt Mossler, 2010). In that the children in his experiments were conforming whether in a good or bad way; the ego will respond to the super-ego (good or evil). Therefore, it can be argued Sigmund Freud the medical doctor/neurologist who based his study on his mentally ill adult patients and Albert Bandura the psychologist who pre-set modeled behavior before young children both arrived at credible assumptions. In most parts, the assumptions have similarities despite Freud’s medical approach as against Bandura’s psychological social environment approach. A significant contrast is the age difference of the subjects that they studied; Freud’s adults and Bandura’s young children. Dr. Sigmund Freud presented structured mental tendencies (Id, Ego and Super-ego) on personality development while on the other hand Dr. Albert Bandura stressed on external influences. Both theories have credible contrasting as well as similar assumptions. REFERENCE Santrock, J. W. (1995). Life-Span Development. Dubuque, IA: Brown Benchmark Witt, G. A., Mossler, R. A. (2010). Adult Development Life Assessment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Healthcare Industry In Malaysia

Healthcare Industry In Malaysia Healthcare industry in Malaysia is divided into private and public sectors. Malaysian society places importance on the expansion and development of healthcare industry. With a rising and aging population in Malaysia, the Government wishes to improve many areas in healthcare industry including the refurbishment of existing hospitals, building and equipping new hospitals, expansion in polyclinics, and improvements in training and expansion of telehealth. Telehealth is the delivery and communicate of health-related services and information via telecommunications. It could be as simple as two healthcare professionals discussing patients condition over the telephone. It also may as sophisticated as doing robotic surgery between facilities at different country. Over last few years, we have increased our efforts to improve the telehealth systems. Besides that, telehealth also will help in access to specialty services for rural patients and allows the patient to stay in their own community rather than traveling. This is parallel with our mission and objective of deliver quality healthcare services to our customers efficiently. Political factors include government regulations and legal issues. It defines both formal and informal rules which a hospital must operate. Some examples of political issue are tax policy, employment laws and medical tourism. Medical tourism in Malaysia ranks among the best in the world and most private hospitals in the country have internationally recognized quality and standards in medical tourism. In our country, the growth rate of medical tourism is growing rapidly because of low-cost advantage and the improvement of new high-quality healthcare service providers compare to some foreign hospital. The healthcare sector in Malaysia is highly regulated by the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act and regulatory approval is required to set up a private hospital. It regulates all private healthcare facilities and services in our country. Under this act, we must get the approval before a new private healthcare facility can be established. Government set the strict rules on the quality of care and safety on patient to ensure that fairness and honesty in providing health care to patients. The objectives of the rules are same with our objective of to provide quality healthcare service with fairness, honesty and sincerity for patients. Political and government rules may affect any business either positively or negatively. So, the changing of government rule or regulation in healthcare industry may cause some threats on KPJ as we are part of it. Actually, it is considered as a threat for KPJ as it may require us to change our business strategy due to changing of regulations. It may affect negatively on the entire industry as well as KPJ healthcare. In budget 2012, government has assigned around RM15 billion for operating expenditure. Simultaneously, they allocated RM1.8 billion for development expenditure. With the allocation financial support by government, the health industry in our country will be enjoying the benefits. Therefore, our healthcare industry will become energetic by improving the facility or equipment within hospitals. Eventually it will increase the level of customer satisfaction as we can provide better quality healthcare services and our profitability will be improved. Economic Economic conditions for a country are mainly influenced by political and government policies. This mean that any decision made by government will indirectly affect the economic conditions of the whole country. The economic growth in Malaysia has dropped significantly and KPJ should be aware of this factor. This is because economic condition will affect KPJ in terms of operation and profitability. Customer disposable income and purchasing power will decrease as economic is not performing well. During economic crisis, inevitably most of the customer may try to cut down some expenses on healthcare such as medical checkup. Instead of choosing a best healthcare provider, customer now which is price sensitive will more prefer on public hospital that able to provide services to customer with lower price. Therefore, it is important for KPJ in setting an appropriate and lower price to gain market share. During the economy crisis, it is usual for the KPJs shareholder to divest their entire share because they may refuse to take any risk of losing their money. When there is having substantial shareholder divesting their share, KPJ may lack of capital available to expand the business and it will difficult for KPJ to invest in new technologies which can help to treat patients. Due to insufficient of capital, KPJ may losses competitive advantages compared to competitors. In order to gain a competitive advantage that could gain a confidence to all the investors, KPJ need to evaluate the cost and benefit for all the expenses and to cut down the unnecessary overhead and expenses such as personnel cost at the same time, which could result in layoffs. However, layoff employee will lead healthcare professionals who are already lack of time to do their work to be overworked since they will be expected to do more work compared to before. Therefore, healthcare professionals will spend less of time and care for more patients than ever. Due to this, healthcare professionals may become negligent in some important part and medical error, which can result in an increase in malpractice lawsuits. Inflation in Malaysia is affecting the overall cost for KPJ. This is because inflation will push up the material price and also price of buying the medical equipment. Other than that, employees for KPJ will try to negotiate for higher salary. All these factors will increase the cost of KPJ in running their business activities. Therefore, KPJ profit margin will be lower as KPJ needs to generate more income in paying additional expense. Competitive Rivalry Previously, private practice was just in general practice and there are only have limited number of specialists. But over the years, there have some changes in healthcare industry structure. Not like previously which hospitality business is mainly from governmental hospital. Today, there is increasingly growing of profit oriented private hospitals. There are a few private hospital which opens in major town and cities in our country. Growth in the industry and increasing number of competitors will inevitably increase the competition for KPJ. However, due to the limitation of 20km distance requirement between private hospitals recommended by Ministry of Health, direct competition among private healthcare groups is becoming not so significant. Thus, even though there are numbers of private healthcare groups competing each other in Malaysia, the rivalry among existing firms is considered medium. Although 20 km zoning is restricting the competition, rivalry is still remains important factors to be considered by KPJ. This is because aggressive expansion and competition from existing players such as Parkway and Columbia Asia may hurt KPJ by affecting profitability and also the market share for KPJ. Therefore, it is important for KPJ to develop a better strategy to gain more competitive advantages against rivals. It is lack of differentiation of KPJ because KPJ and others hospital is providing similar treatment or services to patient. This will be a threat for KPJ as low differentiation cause patient to have low switching cost. Patient may easily switch to others hospital which they want or they feel confidence with it. Nevertheless, low differentiation also means patient will be more priorities on the price of the treatment or services. There will be creating the price competition among existing rivals to attract customers. Therefore, setting lower price on the services provided might earn better competitive advantages against rivals. Moreover, customer service is also an important area which KPJ competing with rivals. Customers will be more prefer to a hospital which able to provide better quality and customer services. Hospital which able to provide speedy and innovative methods in fulfilling customer needs will be the sources of competitive advantages. Besides that, technology for healthcare industry is also the factor which KPJ need to consider. This is because of medical advances and specialty services have been driving a strong trend towards private hospitals specializations with more of the industry players are developing a significant competition for niche areas of expertise such as coronary care, eye surgery, mental health care and maternity admissions. It is will be good if KPJ developing a niche areas which distinguish itself with other existing competitors. As KPJ can build up a good reputation in particular area, customer loyalty can be retained and hence KPJ might not need to lower down the cost to attract customer. Last but not least, intensity of competition between KPJ and others hospital will affecting the profitability and market share of KPJ. Therefore, KPJ should develop and identify a good strategy in order to create sustainable competitive advantage in order to compete with existing rivals. Social Nowadays, awareness of social on healthcare is raised compared to past as a result of the rising in income and education level of citizens. This will lead to the increases in the demand of good quality healthcare services provided. This will enhanced the development of healthcare industry and therefore increase our industry profitability as well as our KPJ profitability. Hence, our KPJ mission of provide quality healthcare services to customer may be achieved with the development of healthcare industry. As there are more and more people having the high level of education, they will more concern on the issues of their body health as they have more knowledge. They also will try to accept the treatment for their healthcare problem as fast as possible due to the awareness on health issue. For example, they will constantly go to hospital either by themselves or bring their family for body check to ensure that they are under a health condition. Besides that, the increases in the income level of society will make them move toward good quality of healthcare services provided. The stable of economic growth in the country will enhanced the income level of society. That will enable them feel more affordable to spend in private healthcare services which are able to provide more quality healthcare services compare to public healthcare services and this directly drive the society move to private healthcare services. Increases in the percentage of getting some disease in the society also have impact on the development of healthcare services. Drug abuse and drug addiction issues are posing a big problem in Malaysia, there are increases in abuse of a drug called Ecstasy by Chinese teenagers and youths and this will lead to the increases of HIV/AIDS in the country. The increases of the number of foreign workers that come from rural areas or poor countries will bring diseases like tuberculosis, bride flu or dengue fever to Malaysia. Then, stressful lifestyle like the pressures arise in the work place will cause high-blood pressure and the risk of getting hearth attack will increases. Besides, the bad habit in the consumption of foods such as alcohol and tobacco will increase the risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. The recent reports of National Health and Morbidity survey show that 15% of Malaysians are obese which increases 1% from year 2006 to 2010. A lmost half of adult Malaysians are overweight. Besides that, breast cancer is one of the main reasons of death in Malaysia as it is common type of diseases among women according to the National Cancer Registry Malaysia, 2002. These factors will give positive impact to the healthcare sector in Malaysia. Furthermore, growing in ageing population in Malaysia also will help in drive the healthcare sector in Malaysia. Malaysias population grow at 2% p.a. and the percentage of the population over 65 years old is expected to rise from 5% to 8% from 2010-2020 regarding to Global Demographics. The growing of older proportion in the population means that there will be increase in age-related disorders like Alzheimers, high blood pressure and heart-related ailment which require long term treatment and rehabilitation Reasonably, all these factors can be considered as big opportunities of expansion for healthcare industries such as KPJ which has the mission of provide quality healthcare services to customer. In order to achieve the mission, KPJ with its goal of providing healthcare services with fairness, honesty and sincerity should be done so that they can expand their services more widely as demand of quality healthcare services seen to be increases in future. Technology Technologicalfactor is very important for all type of business, including our healthcare industries. Greater awareness about the technology will help KPJ improve theirefficiency of business operation and quick response to the changing environment.Healthcare industry needs technology to help them carry out their operation activities more efficiently and effectively. Advancement in IT is enabling KPJ to improve the quality of medical activities provided by them. Healthcare industry need to make a lot of medical records about their patients information.Ifit is done by paper record, there are not much storage place to store all the information and will increase the rate of missing important information. To resolve this problem KPJ has adopted the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to reduce the administrative work and error. This is a digital record which can help KPJ to hold all the detail information about their patients and patients medical history in the system. When a patient enters this system, information can be easily searched by the officer compared to paper work. KPJ will then be more efficient in making the diagnostic and therapeutic decision to reduce the unnecessary work and wasted time. Properly managing the patients medical history is very important.If a mistake occurs, it will lead KPJ to make wrong decision in medical treatment for th e patient.It may also threaten the life of their patient. Other than that, KPJ needs the IT system to help them to enhance in the internal process by establishing an internal network system. IT can act as a mechanism of communication between nurse, doctor and other people who are qualified to access the information system to get the necessary information and information is always updated by using internet. These also help to improve activities of exchanged information between stakeholders. For example, announcement make by internal hierarchy can be quickly received by worker within KPJ by using the internal network system. In addition, doctors can easily place their orders to the nurse, the nurse can then respond quickly to the order and without error due to written order being clearer than oral order. KPJ required a lot of medical facilities to help them in the process of providing the medical services, the required facilities include MRI scanner, CT Scanning. Without the high technology medical facilities, KPJ may not be able to provide a good care service to patient, because recently medical service has become more reliant on the technology. A good medical facility may help to reduce the time of medical treatment. Technology factor plays an important role in the healthcare industry.So, KPJ should invest more in the RD to enhance their medical skill and also help them easily change the administrative work to reduce the mistake and error occur that will affect the reputation of their company. Porter five forces Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants is the possibility that a new firm will enter the industry. It is a threat for existing business as new entrants will affect the business and inevitably cause existing business to lose profit or market share. Nowadays, there are many potential investors trying to invest in healthcare service, thus, causing existing business intheindustrytoface the threat of the new entry.Inorder to exclude new competitors, it needs to create a barrier to the entry. However, KPJ may not have to face the new competitor come in because it is hard for a new healthcare business to enter the industry due to the high initial cost. Before starting the healthcare business, it requires to do necessary research, intensive planning and require a huge amount of initial capital to purchase the facilities, research and development, specialist equipment in order to operate the business. Besides that, to be a medical tourism hub Malaysia has to set a goal requiring all the institutions to u se medical devices and procedures. Comparing the other industry and healthcare industry, normally the barriers to enter in healthcare industry are quite high.Itis because of restrictions by government policy. From the past to the present, all the private medical facilities in Malaysia need to get approval to be granted under the Private Health Facilities and Services Act 1998 before they can be established and must be compliant to a regulatory body working closely with the Ministry of Health who monitors, regulates and coordinates these hospitals. Moreover, it is heavily government regulated, which is zoning for healthcare industry. The act requires having a minimum distance of 20km between the existing healthcare industries. This means that when one decides to open a new healthcare business, it must make sure there are no other healthcare businesses within the 20 km area. Some more, to prevent the new competitor to enter the market, government restrict the hospital to acquire the healthcare technology, without the sp ecialist equipment that is hard for the private healthcare to survive in the future. Shortage of doctors is also a factor which is creating the high barriers of entry. When potential competitors come in, they must make sure they have enough medical practitioner and doctor to carry the routine task. This is because if they dont have all those qualified staff, they might face difficulties in providing services to patients. Moreover, potential customer will only choose to go for a hospital which has specialist in particular areas. Therefore, shortage of specialist doctors will also cause that hospital to lose marketshare. Difficulty in securing private specialists will be the barrier for entry to all the new competitors. As the supply of private specialist is limited, hospital groups with a strong reputation will have better advantage in attracting potential specialist against the new hospital. Record of patient is a valuable asset for the healthcare industry it can create a barrier to entry. KPJ have records of patients who have come before and maintained the medical records in one system.This system enables the doctors to have knowledge of their patients medical history. Because all the patients records are already exists in the hospital, therefore, it will cause inconvenient for patients to regurgitate their medical history to a new doctor. Therefore, it will be hard for the new entrant to compete with the existing healthcare industry. Threat of substitute Threat of substitute means that consumer are available to buy another product or service that can provide similar benefit to replace our industrys product. Product demand will be affected by price change of substitute product and service. Therefore, threat of substitute for healthcare industry is considered to be low. The threat of substitute for private healthcare provider will be the non-profit healthcare provider. Private health care is normally charge higher medical fees compared to public hospital. Because of this, some people might not be able to pay for the expensive fees. KPJ is a private healthcare provider that provides a lot of medical service and use medical facilities to enhance their medical skill. Purchases of the medical facilities are considered very expensive because it is high technology equipment designed by professional person and to develop it will use many resources to carry out the necessary research and development activities. For non-profit healthcare provider, most of the funds is come from sponsor, therefore it may be lack of capital to acquire the facilities and equipment. Private healthcare as a profit-oriented company will be easier in raising capital, so private healthcare service will have better competitive advantages against non-profit organization as they is own ing the higher technology equipment and medical facilities. Second threat for KPJ is the Public healthcare provider which is supported by government. People often choose the private healthcare providereven when the service provided will be more expensive is because the services providedis more efficient than public where patient needs to wait for a long time. Private industry is more focused on efficiency and effectiveness todeliver the service to customer, so private healthcare provider will employ more doctors and nurses to carry out the service that are of quality. Another substitute for private healthcare could be the acupuncture, massage and spa, many old people are more reliant on and believed in this traditional service, but it is lacking of proves by science and not so safe. Many traditional servicesare promoted as an entertainment service rather than serious medical service that is provided in legal healthcare company. Sometimes the services provided can be illegal and may be a threat to the patients health. For nowadaysmany people are knowledgeable, they will refuse the traditional medical and chose the more scientific service and that relates to high technology, so the threat for this traditional services is considered low. In healthcare industry, technology acts as a strong substitute to their service, such as e-health. E-health brings a lot of convenient to the patient that are busy and people that lack easy access to hospital; they will be helped by telemedicine. For example,the success story of e-farmasi in Malaysia, computerizing Medical Claims in Korea, and others. Due to insufficient development, this threat to hospital will be low. Therefore, threat of substitute on the private healthcare will be very low. But KPJ still need to plan out the strategies to face the threat of substitute due to economic and environment change that will affect the profit of KPJ. Bargaining Power of Buyers Customer is one of the sources of profit for a business. It is important for a business to understand what customer needs, and their position in bargaining with our business. Bargaining power of customers is considered to be high for healthcare industry. This is because there is having many medical centers in Malaysia. Customer will have the freedom to choose whatever healthcare company and doctors which they feel confidence with. High power of customer will be a threat for the business as it will be increase competitive intensity in the industry. Most of the hospital in Malaysia is providing similar treatment or services to the patient. This means that it will have a low differentiation between hospitals. Therefore, switching cost for customer will be low and hence customer can easily switch between alternatives healthcare company to get a better deal. Buyers income is also the factors which affecting the bargaining power of buyers. If their income is low, probably they will be more preferred on public hospital as public hospital will able to provide services to patient with lower prices. However, if some of the customer who is having higher income, they tend to be low price sensitive. They will more prefer on the best healthcare providers which can deliver better services to them instead of looking at the price. This group of customer will switch to other healthcare providers when they not satisfy with the services provided. Since KPJ is providing healthcare services to people who are struggling with life-threatening diseases, reputation for KPJ will be an important factor to be considered. In addition, buyers is now aware of alternative supplier and information of healthcare is freely available for the public, therefore KPJ need take care their performance and also quality which deliver to patients. Once patients recognize that KPJ performance is not good or poor quality of services, it will cause patient to switch to other healthcare providers which is more reputable in terms of quality and performance. Availability of substitute for healthcare industry will affect customer power in bargaining with KPJ. As there are having substitutes which is public healthcare, acupuncture, massage and spa. Customer may try to switch for substitute as this will be their alternative methods if they dont want to go for private hospital. Therefore, in order to protect against substitute, it is important for KPJ creating and highlight the value and let customers to know the differences between their services and the others. Bargaining power of supplier Suppliers is playing an important roles in a business. They is the person who supplying all the materials, services and things which required by an industry. KPJ is relying on many different types of supplier which support biotechnology development, drugs development, supplying medical equipment, and also specialist doctor. Suppliers who supply medical equipment are considered as important suppliers for KPJ. Medical equipment is indispensable as KPJ is using all the medical equipment in their daily job activities. However, technology advancement has made a lot of changes for medical equipment. There are a lot of new and updated medical equipment which come with better features. All these latest equipment will helps KPJ to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in carry out their routine job. However, there are having limited sources of supplier in supplying all these medical equipment, which creating limited opportunities for KPJ to buy the equipment. There are many buyers for all those medical equipments but only a few dominant suppliers. Due to this, suppliers may have substantial amount of power in negotiating with KPJ in terms of pricing and supply conditions. Supplier may set higher price but there is no room for KPJ to negotiate with suppliers. Medical practitioner is also one of the suppliers for KPJ. KPJ needs qualified nurses and specialist doctors to treat their patients. Therefore, bargaining power of medical practitioner is considered high. Having a group of qualified employees will be the sources of competitive advantage for KPJ against competitor. However, there is shortage of specialist doctors in Malaysia. This will cause the competition among hospital in employing qualified specialist. Most of hospital will try their best to award the specialist by offering higher salary, bonuses. If KPJ choose not to be competitive against the competitors, medical practitioner will search other healthcare industry to work. Hence, specialists doctors will be in the best position in negotiate the working conditions and also the pay structures. In terms of drugs development, KPJ is rely on a few supplier which provide them with specialized tools, materials, and equipment that they need to develop their products. Special tools to develop the drugs will be quite technical and lack of substitute products. This mean it will be high switching cost for KPJ to use another suppliers. If suppliers stop supplying, KPJ will face difficulties in their development progress. Therefore, supplier for all those special tools, materials will carry a higher power in negotiate a better price or delivery conditions. Overall, the supplier power is considered to be high as KPJ is relying on a few major suppliers to supply the things which KPJ needed in their daily job. Therefore, it is important for KPJ to maintain a good relationship with all suppliers to ensure the business process goes smoothly. Factor conditions Basic factor for KPJ is capital availability, KPJ has enough profit to contribute for their capital for internationalize or globalize their business. KPJ earned its  ¬Ã‚ rst annual billion-ringgit turnover in year 2007, with revenue totalling RM1.11 billion in that year. KPJ continued in achieve their new revenuerecords in subsequent years. Which are rising to RM1.27 billion, RM1.46 billion and RM1.65 billion in year 2008, 2009 and 2010respectively. KPJ achieved a new recordin 2011 with total revenue of RM1.91 billion and pre-tax pro ¬Ã‚ t of RM204.60 million. In basic factors for medical tourism of KPJ, medical tourism products are better to located in warm, pleasant environments like Malaysia. Therefore, the basic factorswhich include ideal climatic conditions, natural resources and geographic location, are an advantage for medical tourism in KPJ especially for those visitors from colder climates. In addition to these basic factors, there are advanced factors about skill labour In our country.KPJ healthcare had 750 medical consultants, which equals to a 7% share of private doctors in Malaysia and 47% of the countrys medical personnel and professional.This is because of the better paid of salary. Another advanced factor is KPJ are driven by innovation and technological advancement.There is a strong regulatory and hospital and healthcare infrastructure in KPJ. KPJ continues to invest in the latest equipment with state of-the-art medical technology.This type of technology will help in provide positive patient experience as well as to enhance medical and surgical outcomes. Last advanced factor is we are assisted in the development of medical tourism. These include the world-wide web resources for the communication and marketing of the medical tourism product internationally. In terms of quality, it can be said that there is just little difference in the medical tourism services offered in the advanced western countries and those in the eastern or developing countries like KPJ in Malaysia. But the attractive work conditions and higher salary has helped to staff ourKPJ hospitals with well-qualified people. Therefore, the quality of such healthcare services are equivalent and the services may better compare to the hospitals in developed countries. Demand conditions Demand conditions are one of the important factors for KPJ in order to gain competitive advantage within the industry. Demands in home country enable KPJ has a better understanding in the needs and desires of the customers thus can response faster to take advantage before the foreign competitors. Therefore, KPJ need to continue to improve competitiveness through innovation and high quality services. Malaysia is one of the fastest-growing nations in Asia although our country has a small population of only 29m.Malaysias population has grew from 23.5m to 29m from 2000-2010 with a CAGR of 2.2%. KPJ need to increases the quality of services provide like shorten the waiting time for patients, provide comfortable place for patients to stay like hygiene condition to meet the increases in demand. Besides that, KPJ need to continue to invest in the latest equipment with state of-the-art medical technology in its effort to provide positive patient experience as well as to enhance medical and surgical outcomes in order to retain as well as attract more customers and strong the position of KPJ in private healthcare industry. Then, the development of health tourism is contributing to curative services by private healthcare services providers. For instance, 450,000 foreign patients obtained treatment from private hospitals for various illnesses as well as utilized diagnostic and therapeut

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Music Copyright Essay -- Copyright Laws Music Industry Essays

What is a Copyright? Music Copyright is a very important aspect of the music industry. The Copyright law was established to preserve the creativity and rights of authors, composers, performers of expression. Copyright is the law that protects the property rights of the creator of an original work in a fixed tangible medium. ( A fixed tangible medium is something substantial like copying lyrics on paper or putting a song on tape or CD. Copyright can be seen every where in the music industry. Many music artist of our culture today have been involved in copyright issues. Recently, on MTV news it was stated that, "As the music industry becomes increasingly concerned about protecting the integrity of artists copyrights in the age of MP3. Prince has now filed a motion in New York federal court aimed at shutting down several websites offering free downloads of the Artist's songs." (†¦19990304/prince.jhtml) In addition, in recent music news, "Nine Inch Nails lead man Trent Reznor copyright infringement suit was dismissed. Another artist claimed that the Reznor had stolen material for his last album." (†¦19991202/nine_inch_nails.jhtml) The copyright law has become an important legal aspect to know our music generation. What works can be copyrighted? Copyright applies to more than musical works. It protects many different things. It protects musical works, literary works, dramatically works, dance works (choreography), sculptures, graphic works (maps, graphs, etc.), pictorial works, motion pictures (videotapes), sound recordings, and even computer creations (computer programs, databases). ( Although there are a lot categories that can be protected by copyright, not every expression can be protected. These original expressions are not eligible for copyright protection. Ideas and discoveries are not eligible for copyright protection. A speech or music performance that is not recorded, written (in a fixed medium) is not protected. Titles are also not eligible for copyright protection. For example, if artist A writes a song titled "That Thing" and then artist B writes a totally different song, but titles the song "That Thing" also. Artist B has not infringed on the copyright law. How can an artist copyright their work? Copyright prot... ...ts new and old artist from having their original forms of expression stolen. A performing artist or songwriter should have a good understanding of the factors of the copyright law. An artist always wants to protect their work so the wrong people can not abuse it. By having a deep knowledge about the copyright law, the artists can save themselves from paying endless unnecessary legal fees. . Work Cited Baskerville, David. Music Business HandBook and Career Guide. 7th ed. California: Sherwood Publishing, 2001. Copyright in Music. Apr. 1999. Duration. Mar. 2000. Fair Use. Jan. 1999. Mechanical Licensing. May. 2001. Prince Files Copyright Infringement Suit Against Website. Mar. 1999. Court Dismisses Copyright Suit Against Trent Reznor. Dec. 1999. What is Copyright? Apr. 2001.

Consequences: the Cause and Effect of Drug Use Essay -- Health Drugs N

The use of drugs has become a very controversial topic in society today. As the problem of using drugs continues to grow daily, the understanding of the user must be made aware of. In general, addicts show a direct link between taking drugs and suffering from their effects. People abuse drugs for a wide variety of reasons. In most cases, the use of drugs will serve a type of purpose or will give some kind of reward. These reasons for use will differ with different kinds of drugs. Three common examples are marijuana, speed, and cocaine. Various reasons for using the substance can be for pain relief, depression, anxiety and weariness, acceptance into a peer group, religion, and much more. Although reasons for using may vary for each individual, it is known by all that consequences of the abuse do exist. It is only further down the line in which after effects of using can be seen. Reasons for using drugs depend on the type of substance being taken. Marijuana, speed, and cocaine all fall under the same category, but show different causes for use. Symptoms of each example contrasts as well. Since each of these have different effects with use, the individual will take the drug that can best resolve his problems or needs. Marijuana is used for many reasons. Causes for use will either be used either illegally or medicinally. The motive for smoking marijuana unlawfully depends on the user. First of all, unlawful smoking of marijuana is done for several reasons. These include peer pressure inside and out of school, the desire to relax from stress, and to even identify themselves with popular media icons. The effects of the substance also cause symptoms that seem to be highly desirably. When smoking marijuana, a sense of mood lift is ... as users seek the high that was involved with the first use of cocaine. Drugs are used by people as a way out when feeling down about themselves. As effects may stay the same throughout, causes show that there are a large number of reasons for use. Being lonely, isolated, and frustrated in life help start off the drive to escape. In many cases, using drugs is a coping mechanism, especially in kids. Emotions become numb as people try to escape the pain of reality. This is seen in the youth generation of today as everyday pressures are placed on them. Drug abuse makes people thing that they are recreating their former negative self image. This rebellious action gives the attention that is desired. From trying to fit in to hiding from problems, people will always have a choice. In the end, reality of drug use is that it will cause addicts to lose everything.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender Roles, Stereotyping and Gender Bias Essay -- Sexism and Gender

Gender affects every aspect of our life, from how we feel about ourselves and set our goals in educational, recreational and work opportunities as well as the the nature and extent of our participation in social and civic life. It has a strong impact on the way we practice our religion, the way we dress, the way we express our feelings and the nature of all of our relationships with others. This paper explores various facets of gender roles in order to understand this topic such as what role males and females are expected to play in today's society, how gender roles are decided, affected and exaggerated by stereotyping. Futhermore, this paper will draw attention towards how stereotyping leads to gender biases. What is 'Gender' ? ''Gender'' means those characteristics which defines or explains if someone is masculine or feminine according to their behavioural differences, for example how they dress or act towards others, the kinds of work they do and their status in society. Gender is not the sex we are born with, 'Sex' refers to all the physical attributes separating women and men according to the biological differences or in other words 'Sex' is the biological make up of a human being , whereas gender refers to the cultural attributes derived from sex differences. For exampel some children who are male by birth means having male parts but feel like female.They are just physically males with female characteristics and behave like feminine.This gives them new identity which is known as how they feel more anin accordance with the gender they have and that gives them new gender identity . There are two major genders: 'Masculine' and 'Feminine'. Gender roles are in fact just those ideas and which are implemen... ...s appear. Change begins at home. As quoted by Dr.Phill '' Change can come in either of two important ways: Start behaving positively or stop behaving negatively'' Parents need to give chance to their children to live their lives free from the fetters of gender bias and stereotyping As they say,'' Great oaks grow from little acorns'' Conclusion : Sex is the organizer of human society.This is filtered culturally through gender roles which have an impact our lives. Gender role stereotyping is one of the most consistent ways in which adults and particularly parents play a significant part in socialization of a child. Parents have to learn to adopt an androgynous attitude towards while bring up their children. Eradicate the gender biases and implement adequate egalitarianism. ''Every clould has a silver lining'' Every man is the architect of his own fortune''

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Concept of Globalisation

Concept of Globalization Globalization means different things to different people. The three important perspectives of globalization are as follows: †¢ To a business executive, globalization refers to a strategy of crossing national boundaries through globalized production and marketing networks. †¢ To an economist, globalization refers to an economic interdependence between countries covering increased trade, technology, labor, and capital flows. †¢ To a political scientist, globalization refers to an integration of a global community in terms of ideas, norms, and values. Because of these differences in perspectives, globalization has been defined in many different ways. The following are the widely used definitions of globalization: †¢ â€Å"Globalization is a free movement of goods, services, people, capital, and information across national boundaries. † †¢ â€Å"Globalization is a process by which an activity or undertaking becomes worldwide in scope. † †¢ â€Å"Globalization is a process of integration of the world as one market. † Form these definitions; it is clear that globalization leads to an integrated global economy. The process of globalization ultimately converts the huge globe into a small global village. Forms of Globalization Globalization is a multi-dimensional process. It has four important dimensions: economic, cultural, political, and environmental. The process of globalization is now influencing these aspects of an economy. A brief description of these forms of globalization is as follows: ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION: Economic influence is the most obvious part of globalization. Economic globalization is contributed by liberalization, deregulation, privatization, and declining costs of the markets in goods, services, capital, trade, and finance. Economic globalization has speeded up in the recent past. A free-trade doctrine removes the barriers to the flow of goods between countries. The formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has given impetus to this process. Multinational companies are another force to boost up economic globalization. CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION: Different countries have different sets of national beliefs, values and norms. The expanding process of globalization has brought these cultural diversities together to form a global culture. Advances in communications, television networks, transportation technology have been reducing the barriers of distance and culture. Over the last several years, global communications have been revolutionized by developments in satellites, digital switching, and optical fiber telephone lines. As a result of such developments, reliable system of commercial jet travel has reduced the time it takes to get from one location to another. This has tremendous impact on the flow of tourists across the globe. Television programmers have made people aware of other cultures and languages. These have reduced the cultural distance between countries. The process of globalization has increased mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence, and learning from each other's experiences. POLITICAL GLOBALIZATION: Nations today are more inter-dependent. They are joining hands to participate in creating macro-political framework for development. There are exchanges of views and experiences between nations regarding the establishment of good governance system, legal system, human rights, free media, property rights, decentralized pattern of governance, relatively free access to state information, and so on. The regional grouping of nations has promoted the integration further and created pressure for democracy and human rights. Because of these global influences, the political system worldwide made a shift away from command and mixed economies to the free-market model. ENVIRONMETAL GLOBALIZATION: The globe today is facing unprecedented problems of global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, acute loss of bio-diversity, and trans-border pollution. In fact, ecological problems like floods, soil erosion, water pollution, air pollution, acid rain, and global warming cross national borders without hindrance. To prevent any further degradation of global ecology, the world community is actively engaged in preventing the growing problem of environment. Today, world attention has been drawn toward conservation of environment, harnessing water resources, and judicious use of non-renewable resource. The world community is, therefore, trying to encourage countries to understand these global environment issues and adopt legal and other measures to protect the environment. Nature of Globalization Globalization promotes international business. The international business is composed of four main categories: (i) world trade, (ii) portfolio investment (iii) direct investment, and (iv) multinational enterprises. A brief description of international business is given below: WORLD TRADE: The oldest form of international business is trading of merchandise. Consumers in one country buy goods, which are produced in another country. This is a common phenomenon. Most of the world trade today is among the industrialized countries. World trade is mostly made up of manufactured goods. The service trade has also been rapidly increasing during recent years. Export business is beneficial for a country not only in terms of trade, but also because it creates export-related jobs. With the growing integration of the world economy, world trade would also increase. In fact, expansion of world trade itself has been made easier by two things. Firstly, technological changes in transport, global network of banking and insurance, and information flows have made it possible to undertake world trade more quickly. Secondly, a number of international and regional agreements or arrangements have been established to promote and coordinate world trade. PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT: International portfolio investment is also known as indirect foreign investment. Portfolio investment is the second main type of globalization. It is the purchase of foreign securities in the form of stocks, bonds, or commercial papers to obtain a return on that investment in the form of dividends, interests, or capital gains. Acquiring foreign stocks and bonds does not confer managerial control of a foreign enterprise on the buyer. Rather, the international portfolio investor is a creditor whose main concern is a decent return on his or her investment. Therefore, the capital flow is greatly affected by relative interest rates and strong currency values, which result in high return for the investors. FOREIGN DERECT INVESTMENT: Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the long-term capital investment. It involves acquisitions by domestic firms of foreign-based factories or any other types of business firms. The investor, thus, enjoys managerial control over the assets of the acquired firm. Direct investment may be financed in a number of ways other than through capital movements. Foreign investments may be financed by borrowing locally, by reinvesting foreign earnings, by the sale to foreign affiliate of non-financial assets such as technology, or through funds generated by licensing fees and payments for management services to the parent company. MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES: FDI is an important vehicle for the birth and growth of multinational companies. A multinational company encompasses both domestic and overseas operations. It is called multinational because it operates across national boundaries. However, its focus is on foreign markets. A multinational company, thus, has all the components of the definition of globalization and international business discussed above. Being multinational in scope and activity, such firms also encounter wide-ranging socio-cultural, political, and legal problems while operating in many different countries. Methods of Globalization There are a number of methods for globalization of business. In each method, there is a choice of strategies to follow. These strategies are sometimes referred to as â€Å"foreign market entry strategies†. If the international business strategy is to be successful, a business firm must carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different entry methods before deciding on its approaches. A brief account of some of the methods of globalization is as follows: EXPORTING: The most widely used and common method of doing business internationally is exporting. A direct export operation is a direct sale by a manufacturer to an overseas customer. Indirect exporting involves selling through an intermediary. Exporting is preferable when the cost of production in the home country is substantially lower than producing goods in foreign markets. Therefore, business firms having cost advantage would like to export their products to foreign markets instead of investing in production facilities there. Exporting is, thus, the first stage in the evolution of international business. Exporting is the best alternative under a given set of conditions. It is the least complex global operations. However, there are some factors, which make exporting less attractive than other alternatives. For example, policies of some governments discriminate against import. In some cases, imports are even banned. There may also be hostility against imports. In these situations, exporting strategy may not be effective. LICENSIG AND FRANCHINSG: Licensing and franchising are important entry and expansion methods. Through these methods, the companies can expand their business. Earnings come to the company through fees and royalties. Today, many western companies have been extensively using licensing and franchising practices. One of the growing trends in international business today has been trademark licensing. This has become a substantial source of worldwide revenue. Licensing offers rapid entry into a foreign market. Under international licensing, a business firm can contractually assign the rights to certain technical know-how, design, intellectual property to a foreign company in return for royalty. In many countries, law regulates such fees or royalties. At times, a licensing agreement may be of cross-licensing type wherein there is mutual exchange of knowledge and patents. In a cross-licensing arrangement, a cash payment may or may not be involved. The advantage of licensing is that the licenser does not have to bear the development costs associated with opening up in a foreign country. The licensee bears the costs. Franchising is a form of licensing in which a parent company (the franchiser) grants another independent entity (the franchise) the right to do business in a prescribed manner. The franchisee buys an established marketing package without the risks of product acceptance, market testing, etc. The franchiser gets foreign market entry at minimum cost, plus a local ntrepreneur. The privilege may be the right to sell the parent company's product, to use its name, to adopt its methods, or to copy its symbols, trademarks and architecture. One of the common forms of franchising involves the franchiser supplying some ingredients for finished products, like coca-cola supplying the syrup to the bottlers. Hilton Hotels might sell a franchise to a local company in Nepal to operate hotels under the Hilton name. FULLY OWNED MANUFACTURING FACILITIES: Bigger corporations establish their own factories abroad. This strategy has some advantages. The corporation owning the factory has full control over production and quality. There is also no risk of developing potential competitors as in the case of licensing and contract manufacturing. However, there may be some problems while operating in a foreign country. The government may impose restrictions on the use of desired technology. Similarly, constraints such as lack of skilled manpower, infrastructural facilities, production bottlenecks, raw material supply etc. may also be encountered. Above all, the corporation may have to invest a lot in terms of financial and managerial resources to operate the plant in its fullest capacity. JOINT VENTURES A joint venture is a partnership in which the domestic firm and the foreign firm negotiates tie up involving one or more of the the following:equity,transfer of technology,investment,production and marketing. The arrangement defines responsibility for performance,accountability and powersharing. MERGER AND ACQUISITION The most extensive form of participation in global market is 100% ownership,which may be achieved by start up,merger or acquisition STRATEGIC ALLIANCE Various terms are used to describe the linkage between firms to jointly pursue a common goal,such as collaborative agreements,strategic alliance and global strategic partnership. EFFECT OF GLOBALISATION Increasing globalization has many effect and consequences on an indivisual business firm as well as the national economy. These effect are both positive as well as negative. We can identity some 5 major effects of Globalisation Liberalized International Trade Import Penetration Foreign Direct Investment Multinational Companies Competitive Environment

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

McDonalds or Tesco Essay

Explain the limitations of market enquiry in terms of helping the increment of a selling plan for each(prenominal) McDonalds or Tesco (M2) Tesco utilizes primary eccentric person of interrogation to gather selective breeding ab give away its clients, competitors and the environment. Tesco collects information that has not been collected before and uses twain internal and external primary investigate methods. Internal inquiry includes Tescos client data whereas external inquiry would include questionnaires and surveys, experimental introduction of a naked as a jaybird product, interviews and condense assemblages. Tesco is likely to use second-string research data to help realise what type of primary data is indispensable to be precise and not to photocopy metre and money on hookup data that has already been garner before. other(a) types if methods use by Tesco argon soft and quantitative research. Qualitative research is used when wanting to distinguish out more than about clients emergencys, in the flesh(predicate) experiences and bear outground by asking impart questions such as asking what products they taint most(prenominal) often at Tesco and what their preferences.Tesco alike uses quantitative research which includes Tescos sales, function of customers choosing the same answer in a quantitative questionnaire and understructure later be analysed. Market research is precise skillful for a business such as Tesco, plainly it can sometimes be a difficult process as there are a hardly a(prenominal) limitations that affect Tescos marketing plans. every marketing research has the potential to be wrong therefrom Tesco should plan its research techniques are very expensive and are not affordable to certain businesses therefore Tesco has to make sure that the cost of the research matches it quality. Another limitation of marketing research is reliability, which shows how reliable the information collected is and whether the information would be the same if collected from a different group of people.Tesco should target the most suitable groups of people to question in order for the information to be stiff and beneficial for the organisations marketing plans, such as to improve customer service at Tesco has to make sure that the information self-contained is accurate as people index answer randomly out of s potbellyhfulness and the end result would end up being inaccurate, causing Tesco to carry out another research, costing them both time and money. Tesco collects its customers information for organisational purposes, however there is an act that protects the use of customers personal information by the business Data Protection operation 1998 which controls how personal information is used byorganisations. Tesco needs to ensure that the information on this data isKept up to leave and not kept longer than neededNot transferred to any other rustic without adequate protectionProcessed in accordance with the data subjects (the individuals) rightsThis act is very beneficial for the customers whereas Tesco will be sued under this act in an event of red of information or in national where customers information is accessed by inappropriate individuals or organisations. This would make believe a great impact on Tesco as it holds information of millions of customers and the amount of money Tesco would gravel to pay each customer would be a very large amount, expiration Tesco in loss and affecting its merchandise Plans such as expansion. Tesco wouldnt be able to hold customer interviews as they have customers in a jackpot of countries in Europe. This would defer up a lot of their time as they wouldnt be able to get the opinions of all their customers. Although Tesco aim to provide an excellent customer service, they cannot achieve this by using this type of research.Surveys could be a bad root word too as they can be costly to create a questionnaire, but once set up can use d for a large sample. It could in addition lead to Tesco not actually getting their surveys back from customers. It takes time to create a survey/questionnaire which is then is slower when exhausting to get as many back as you possibly can. Lastly focus groups wouldnt be of any use for Tesco as they do not need people to taste anything or test certain objects. Setting up a focus group can be very expensive and needs to take place in a particular proposition location. Often a focus group is observed through a unidirectional mirror, which would take up a lot of Tescos time trying to find a location that has these things. The information gathered for market research is very usable and reduces the chances of the business making the wrong decision. sooner coming up with a marketing play Tesco must always broadcast research in order to have an ideas of whether the plan is an appropriate thing for the company.