Saturday, May 23, 2020

Tungsten or Wolfram - Chemical Physical Properties

Tungsten is a grayish-white transition metal with atomic number 74 and element symbol W. The symbol comes from another name for the element—wolfram. While the name tungsten is approved by the IUPAC and is used in Nordic countries and those speaking English or French, most European countries use the name wolfram. Here is a collection of tungsten or wolfram facts, including the elements properties, uses, and sources. Tungsten or Wolfram  Basic Facts Tungsten Atomic Number: 74 Tungsten Symbol: W Tungsten Atomic Weight: 183.85 Tungsten Discovery: Juan Jose and Fausto dElhuyar purified tungsten in 1783 (Spain), although Peter Woulfe examined the mineral which came to be known as wolframite and determined that it contained a new substance. Tungsten Electron Configuration: [Xe] 6s2 4f14 5d4 Word Origin: Swedish tung sten, heavy stone or wolf rahm and spumi lupi, because the ore wolframite interfered with tin smelting and was believed to devour the tin. Tungsten Isotopes: Natural tungsten consist of five stable isotopes. Twelve unstable isotopes are known. Tungsten Properties: Tungsten has a melting point of 3410/-20 °C, boiling point of 5660 °C, specific gravity of 19.3 (20 °C), with a valence of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Tungsten is a steel-gray to tin-white metal. Impure tungsten metal is quite brittle, although pure tungsten can be cut with a saw, spun, drawn, forged, and extruded. Tungsten has the highest melting point and the lowest vapor pressure of the metals. At temperatures exceeding 1650 °C, it has the highest tensile strength. Tungsten oxidizes in air at elevated temperatures, although it generally has excellent corrosion resistance and is minimally attacked by most acids. Tungsten Uses: The thermal expansion of tungsten is similar to that of borosilicate glass, so the metal is used for glass/metal seals. Tungsten and its alloys are used to make filaments for electric lamps and television tubes, as electrical contacts, x-ray targets, heating elements, for metal evaporation components, and for numerous other high temperature applications. Hastelloy, Stellite, high-speed tool steel, and numerous other alloys contain tungsten. Magnesium and calcium tungstenates are used in fluorescent lighting. Tungsten carbide is important in the mining, metalworking, and petroleum industries. Tungsten disulfide is used as a dry high-temperature lubricant. Tungsten bronze and other tungsten compounds are used in paints. Tungsten Sources: Tungsten occurs in wolframite, (Fe, Mn)WO4, scheelite, CaWO4, ferberite, FeWO4, and huebnerite, MnWO4. Tungsten is produced commercially by reducing tungsten oxide with carbon or hydrogen. Biological Role: Tungsten is the heaviest element with known biological functionality. No use in humans or other eukaryotes is known, but the element is used by bacteria and archaea in enzymes, principally as a catalyst. It functions in much the same ways as the element molybdenum does in other organisms. When tungsten compounds are introduced to soil, they inhibit earthworm reproduction. Scientists are studying the use of tetrathiotungstates for use in biological copper chelation. Tungsten is a rare element, initially thought to be inert and only slightly toxic to humans. However, now it is known tungsten dust inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion can cause cancer and other negative health effects. Tungsten or Wolfram Physical Data Element Classification: Transition Metal Density (g/cc): 19.3 Melting Point (K): 3680 Boiling Point (K): 5930 Appearance: tough gray to white metal Atomic Radius (pm): 141 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 9.53 Covalent Radius (pm): 130 Ionic Radius: 62 (6e) 70 (4e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.133 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): (35) Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 824 Debye Temperature (K): 310.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.7 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 769.7 Oxidation States: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0 Lattice Structure: Body-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 3.160 Sources Lide, David R., ed. (2009). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (90th ed.). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4200-9084-0.Hille, Russ (2002). Molybdenum and tungsten in biology. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 27 (7): 360–367. doi:10.1016/S0968-0004(02)02107-2Lassner, Erik; Schubert, Wolf-Dieter (1999). Tungsten: properties, chemistry, technology of the element, alloys, and chemical compounds. Springer. ISBN 978-0-306-45053-2.Stwertka, Albert (2002). A Guide to the Elements (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-515026-1.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Gratification Theory Mass Media - 1585 Words

Theories in mass media play an important role in society which provides a lens to observer communication in a medium. There is a multitude of media theories, but I will explore those of Elizabeth Noelle-Newman and how people use media for their need and gratification. The spiral of silence theory and the uses and gratification theory both give convincing and detailed explanations that link the media and the audience. There is a likeness in both but there are also many difference between the two. After reviewing each theory and proving examples that relate to each, I will then follow by examining the differences between the two and ways they complement one another. Elizabeth Noelle-Newman’s theory the spiral of silence (SST) explains the†¦show more content†¦An example of this theory in the media today can be seen through the use of social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. These sites provide individuals with the ability to observe the behaviors around them, which becomes a constant cycle of approval and a disapproval of behaviors. Using the quasi-statistical process individuals who use media often are influenced by these behaviors which in return influence how they choose to express their opinion. Those who hold the majority opinion in these large networks are challenged less and retain their dominant position across a large range of issues, which—in theory—could facilitate a suppression of minority opinion on a global scale (Stoycheff 2017). Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) deals with the effect of people on media. The basic concept is audience activity. So, in other words, UGT is an approach to understand why audience actively seek out specific media outlets that meet their needs, knowledge, social interaction, and diversion. Media has a limited effect on its audience because the audience is actually in control of media selection and information processing (Cragan Shields 1998, p.268). According to the theory, we use mass media to meet our needs such as acquiring knowledge, to be entertained, a personal identity, social interaction, andShow MoreRelatedThe Uses And Gratifications Theory Essay1656 Words   |  7 PagesThe uses and gratifications theory has been explored by many a scholar from as early as the 1940’s. While many audience theories focus around what effect media products have on audiences, Chandler (1994) states that instead the uses and gratifications theory focuses on what audiences do with med ia. Chandler continues that this audience model focuses around why and how people select and use media texts in order to fulfil particular social or psychological gratifications. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hr Live Project on Job Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction Free Essays

AMITY UNIVERSITY AMITY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL(AIBS) PROjECT REPORT ON Job Satisfaction Employee satisfaction AT Areva TD India Ltd. , Noida SUBMITTED TO: Ms. CHITRA KRISHNAN GROUP MEMBERS * PRIYAL AGARWAL(A1802012201) * JAMSHED SHABIR() * GARIMA ARORA() * HARSH GOEL() * ASHISH TANWAR() sECTION- C MBA-IB Introduction In the present scenario of business world the only thing that is confirmed is change. We will write a custom essay sample on Hr Live Project on Job Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Competent employees will not remain competent forever. Their skills can deteriorate; technology may make their skills obsolete; the organization may move into new areas changing the type of jobs that exist and the skills necessary to do them. Human Resource is the discipline which drives business competitiveness by identifying that constant change in the business trends, hence need for constant up gradation of the employee’s skills and implementing it with a variety of methods and training programs. Quality without creativity is meaningless as changes grow ever more unpredictable creativity is rapidly becoming recognized a core management skill. Today’s business environment demands that manager posses a wide range of knowledge skills and competencies, as well as sound understanding of management process and function. Managers need to be able to make best use of their time, talent and of other people to work with and through others to achieve corporate objectives. They also need to demonstrate their ability not merely to solve problems, but to transform them and design ways through them. This report concerns job satisfaction level and organizational climate, which are the important function in every organization. AREVA, World energy expert, offers its customer technological solutions for highly reliable nuclear power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. With manufacturing facilities in 43 countries and a sales network in more than 100, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2- free power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. AREVA is the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field. AREVA business help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges: making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsible toward future generation. As a solution provider, AREVA TD bring together and optimizes capabilities from different disciplines, TD business and third party suppliers, to address customers’ specific problem, however complex, and add value to their business. The overall project report provides analysis of Job satisfaction and employee satisfaction in Areva TD India Ltd, Noida. The employees of Areva TD India Ltd have different attitude towards organization. There are different dimensions through which we can analyze the attitude of the employees of the organization. COMPANY profile AREVA, World energy expert, offers its customer technological solutions for highly reliable nuclear power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. With manufacturing facilities in 43 countries and a sales network in more than 100, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2- free power generation and electricity transmission and istribution. AREVA is the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field. AREVA business help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges: making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsible toward future generation. AREVA TD INDIA AREVA TD is a worldwide specialist in Transmission Distribution. We design, manufacture and supply a c omplete range of products, systems and services for all stages in the transfer of electricity from generator to the large end user. We are pioneers in the field of Protection Control with a proven track record of over eight decades. Our team of TD engineers is the largest team dedicated to TD solutions. About 75% of the country’s load flow is managed by our Energy Management Systems.. AREVA TD’s products and systems serve to transmit and distribute electricity, ensure the reliability, quality and safety of energy flows, as well as operate efficient networks through information management. AREVA TD offers a global response to customer’s service needs delivered by locally based resources in the areas of: * Network consulting equipment expertise and diagnosis. * Erection, commissioning and supervision. * Maintenance, including spares management. * Repair and emergency support. * Renovation and refurbishment. * Operation and asset management. * Training. As a solution provider, AREVA TD bring together and optimizes capabilities from different disciplines, TD business and third party suppliers, to address customers’ specific problem, however complex, nd add value to their business. AREVATD enhance customers’ capabilities by bringing to them answers developed by market segments, through best practices and industry-specific expertise in: * Power Engineering * Distribution Power * Oil Gas * Water * Pulp Glass * Railways * Mining Metals At AREVA TD, innovation is key to successfully differentiating and continuously gaining market share. The company spe nds 3% of sales (150 Million) on research and development. This allocation is then used for each of the regions, where AREVA TD has business activities. India is a key region for allocation of such Research Development funds. AREVA TD currently employs over 4300 people in India across 8 manufacturing Units and 22 Sales Offices. Your Company has been trend-setter in the field of high voltage switchgear and was the first to build the 765 kV Sub-station in India with National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) at SIPAT, Chhattisgarh. Around 70% of power flow in India’s transmission grids is managed by AREVA TD’s Automation solutions. Your Company has to its credit a complete range of TD Products, Systems, Services and Automation solutions. Areva Joint Venture AREVA’s Transmission and Distribution division has announced today the signing of an agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture with the Russian company, United Company RUSAL (UC RUSAL), the world’s largest producer of aluminum. The joint venture will become the preferred supplier for turnkey projects, electrical equipment and services in the TD field for UC RUSAL’s plants and is expected to generate $500 million in orders over the next five years. Through this partnership, UC RUSAL will secure key competencies to support its fast growing production capacity. For AREVA, partnering with UC RUSAL will enable the company to strengthen its position on the booming electro-intensive industries market, and to further develop its activities in Russia. AREVA has longstanding experience and expertise in developing high direct current electricity supply systems for aluminum production sites around the world. In 2006, it designed and installed such a customized electrical system for UC RUSAL’s Sayanogorsk site in Siberia. Philippe Guillemot, Chairman and CEO of AREVA’s Transmission and Distribution division, said: â€Å"This new partnership is in line with our strategy to reinforce our presence on the industries market. It also illustrates our strong commitment to support UC RUSAL’s development strategy by ensuring its secure access to key competencies in the electrical field. † More about with manufacturing facilities in 41 countries and a sales network in more than 100 countries, AREVA offers customers reliable technological solutions for CO2-free power generation and electricity transmission and distribution. We are the world leader in nuclear power and the only company to cover all industrial activities in this field. Our 61,000 employees are committed to continuous improvement on a daily basis, making sustainable development the focal point of the group’s industrial strategy. AREVA’s businesses help meet the 21st century’s greatest challenges:   making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsibly towards future generations. AREVA’s T;D division is an active player around the globe. It designs, manufactures and supplies a complete range of equipment, systems and services for all stages in the transfer of electricity, from the generator to the large end-user. global presence We are one of the world’s leading TD companies. We have over 25,000 employees located in more than 30 countries, with a dedicated sales force serving customers in over 100 countries. AREVA NP  is the world leader in the design and construction of nuclear power plants and research reactors, engineering, instrumentation and control, modernization, maintenance and repair services, component manufacture and supply of nuclear fuel. The jointly-owned company is headquartered in Paris, with regional subsidiaries in the U. S. and Germany. AREVA has a 66% and Siemens a 34% stake in AREVA NP. VISION AND MISSION Vision AREVA is to make the high profile of company and to create the brand name in the whole words. Their best products are for transmission and distribution. Mission At AREVA they face new and exciting challenges every day as they support the needs of customers. But there’s also a bigger picture to career. Businesses help to meet the needs of the great endeavors of the 21st century – making energy available to all, protecting the planet, and acting responsibly for future generations. It’s a vision that includes innovating cleaner, safer, and more attainable energy to drive economies, develop cultures, and deepen life experiences. LOCATION DETAILS AREVA TD INDIA LIMITED. is located at Allahabad which is in the heart of the city where service is easily available for all customer and easy access compare with other place that available in city. Location has major impact on success or failure of operation. Advantages of this type of location are that service cost and distribution cost is minimum comparison with other place. The major investor service centers of Transformer Distribution are as below. Our study is on its location in Noida. LAYOUT DETAILS There is a plan of all the act of planning optimum arrangement of planning including flow of man material and customer, operating equipment, storage space, material handling equipments and all other supporting services along with the design of best structure to contain all these facilities. PLANNING AND CONTROL It is useful for effective utilization of resources, to achieve organization goal and objectives with respect to quality service, cost control timely service to co-ordinate with other department to ensure continuous quality service. There is a proper planning and planning with respect to which type of scheme to be introduced, what are expenses of RD for finding out feasibility of that scheme, how many people will work on that particular job, before introducing new scheme. There is special research department for carrying out the analysis of market and there is a fund manager who carries out all planning for investing in various sector and he is also responsible for controlling the cost of transaction so that it can give return to investors. PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE The production engineers ensure that the level of production complies with customer requirements, test and maintain the facilities. AREVA is looking for young professionals who are keen to face technical challenges in the field, and to get involved in team management. ————————————————- IMPROVEMENT PROTECTION AREVA’s line of business is highly demanding in terms of quality, safety and environmental preservation. Those working in these fields are of major importance to the group and contribute to its overall performance. As a result, the professions linked to these fields have a very important place within the group, and contribute to the company’s overall performance. ————————————————- CUSTOMER SUPPORT AND SATISFACTION AREVA manages and develops technical and industrial solutions to meet customer requirements. Our sales engineers develop and maintain customer relations, prepare bids, negotiate and manage contracts and offer after-sales service. The role of the sales engineers is to develop and maintain customer relations. Prepare offers, negotiate and manage contracts and provide after-sales service. MANAGEMENT ; DEVELOPMENT Like other companies that work in complex fields and very different countries, AREVA uses its support activities to promote the strategic and functional development of the group. All of its executives and managers use expert skills to carry out their duties. JOB SATISFACTION Job satisfaction is how content an individual is with his or her job. Scholars and human resource professionals generally make a distinction between affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is the extent of pleasurable emotional feelings individuals have about their jobs overall, and is different to cognitive job satisfaction which is the extent of individuals’ satisfaction with particular facets of their jobs, such as pay, pension arrangements, working hours, and numerous other aspects of their jobs. Job satisfaction is a subjective, personal state perceived by the individual as being in his favor. It is the result of various attitudes possessed by worker. In a narrow sense, these attitudes are related to the job and conditions, advancement opportunities, and recognition of abilities, fair residual of grievances and other similar items. FACTORS AFFECTION JOB SATISFACTION * Working Conditions Because employees spend so much time in their work environment each week, it’s important for companies to try to optimize working conditions. Such things as providing spacious work areas rather than cramped ones, adequate lighting and comfortable work stations contribute to favorable work conditions. Providing productivity tools such as upgraded information technology to help employees accomplish tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well. * Opportunity for Advancement Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available to move up the ranks in the company and be given more responsibility and along with it higher compensation. Many companies encourage employees to acquire more advanced skills that will lead to the chance of promotion. Companies often pay the cost of tuition for employees taking university courses, for example. During an employee’s annual performance review, a supervisor should map out a path showing her what she needs to accomplish and what new skills she needs to develop in order to be on a track to advancement within the organization. * Workload and Stress Level Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for even the most dedicated employee. Falling short of deadlines results in conflict between employees and supervisors and raises the stress level of the workplace. Many times, this environment is caused by ineffective management and poor planning. The office operates in a crisis mode because supervisors don’t allow enough time for employees to perform their assigned tasks effectively or because staff levels are inadequate. * Respect from Co-Workers Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. A hostile work environment — with rude or unpleasant coworkers — is one that usually has lower job satisfaction. * Relationship with Supervisors Effective managers know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and accomplishments. Employees also need to know their supervisor’s door is always open for them to discuss any concerns they have that are affecting their ability to do their jobs effectively and impeding their satisfaction at the office. * Financial Rewards Job satisfaction is impacted by an employee’s views about the fairness of the company wage scale as well as the current compensation she may be receiving. Companies need to have a mechanism in place to evaluate employee performance and provide salary increases to top performers. Opportunities to earn special incentives, such as bonuses, extra paid time off or vacations, also bring excitement and higher job satisfaction to the workplace. EMPLOYEE SATSFACTION Employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business. A high rate of employee contentedness is directly related to a lower turnover rate. Thus, keeping employees’ satisfied with their careers should be a major priority for every employer. While this is a well-known fact in management practices, economic downturns like the current one seem to cause employers to ignore it. There are numerous reasons why employees can become discouraged with their jobs and resign, including high stress, lack of communication within the company, lack of recognition, or limited opportunity for growth. Management should actively seek to improve these factors if they hope to lower their turnover rate. Even in an economic downturn, turnover is an expense best avoided. Employee satisfaction surveys provide the information needed to improve levels of productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. Organizations can identify the root causes of job issues and create solutions for improvements with an accurate perspective of employee views. There is a direct link between employee job satisfaction and financial results. The happier your employees are the more motivated and committed they will be to your organization’s success. RESEARCH METHODOLOGEY Research is in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Well, all possess the vital instinct of inquisitiveness for, when the unknown confronts, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes us probe and attain full data and fuller understanding of the unknown, can be termed as research. Research comprises defining and redefining problem, suggesting solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and at lest carefully testing the conclusion. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact the research design is the conceptual structure within research is conducted, if it constitutes the blueprints for the collection measurement and the analysis of the data. DATA COLLECTION Both primary as well as the secondary data have their own importance, and I have collected data from primary as well as secondary sources, but how ever in my project work I have focused more on primary data. As stated, the primary data as collected with the help of questionnaire comprising of by questions. All the employees that constituted sample were approached individually. Secondary data was collected from Areva TD India Ltd. by: * books * Journals * Websites * Internet * Other sources. SAMPLING A sample size of 50 employees (Male Female both) working in Areva TD India Ltd. ere taken into consideration. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE The target group comprised the employees of Areva TD India Ltd. the sample was distributed in equal ratio both male and female officer. The respondents were selected randomly from HRD in Areva TD India Ltd. QUESTIONNAIRE Name  : AGE:GENDER: QUALIFICATION:EXPERIENCE: GRADE:DEPARTMENT: YEARS OF SERVICE: The statements that follow are related to company, organiz ation, organization climate and their job. Kindly indicate the extent to which you agree with each statement by encircling any of the following options: * 1 Strongly Agree * 2 Agree 3 Disagree * 4 Strongly Disagree Q1. Areva TD India Ltd. is a good company to work in? | 1 2 3 4| Q2. The salary provided to you is competitive with those of other companies? | 1 2 3 4| Q3. Monetary benefits such as bonus, allowances etc. , are provided to you according to the industries practice. | 1 2 3 4| Q4. Are you provided with sufficient opportunities for personal growth by the company? | 1 2 3 4| Q5. Is the job assigned to you according to your qualification and caliber? | 1 2 3 4| Q6. Does your job make the best use of your abilities? 1 2 3 4| Q7. Is your career growth in the company commensurate with your skill? | 1 2 3 4| Q8. Is Adequate job security provided to you by the company? | 1 2 3 4| Q9. Do you feel that you have contributed in accomplishing the organization climate goal? | 1 2 3 4| Q 10. Do you involve yourself in your work? | 1 2 3 4| Q11. Do you feel proud by doing the important work in this organization? | 1 2 3 4| Q12. Are adequate responsibilities provided to you for your personal and organizational growth? | 1 2 3 4| Q13. Do you feel that your work load is challenging but not burdensome? 1 2 3 4| Q14. Are your working conditions congenial to perform the task assigned to you? | 1 2 3 4| Q15. Does your team member equally contribute for each other’s goals? | 1 2 3 4| Q16. Are the people you are working with highly motivating and hard working? | 1 2 3 4| Q17. Are your colleagues are cordial to you in the organization? | 1 2 3 4| Q18. Are your subordinates loyal to you? | 1 2 3 4| Q19. Do you feel to tell your boss what you think? | 1 2 3 4| Q20. Does the response from your boss create confidence in your work? | 1 2 3 4| graphical data interpretations Q1) Areva T;D India Ltd. is a good company to work in? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 14| 14| Agree| 10| 9| Disagree | 1| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-95% Agreed working men-90% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92. 5% * Analysis:- Almost all employees agree that Areva T;D India Ltd. is a good company to work with. There were hardly any employees disagreeing with the statement. This shows that Areva T;D has a good environment where employees are willing to work. Q2) The salary provided to you is competitive with those of other companies? Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 14| 12| Agree| 10| 11| Disagree | 1| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-95% Agreed Working Men-95% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-95% * Analysis:- 95% employees have agreed that the salary provided to them is comparable with those of similarly placed industries which show that the employees are very much satisfied with the basic salary prov ided to them by the organization. Q3) Monetary benefits such as bonus, allowances etc. , are provided to you according to the industries practice. | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 12| Agree| 11| 13| Disagree | 1| 0| Strongly Disagree| 2| 0| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-81% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-90. 5% * Analysis:- 100% female employees feel that the monetary benefits like bonus, allowances provided by the company are in accordance into industries practice whereas only 81% male employees have agreed with female employees. Q4) Are you provided with sufficient opportunities for personal growth by the company. | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 11| Agree| 11| 13| Disagree | 1| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 1| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-90% Agreed Working Men-83% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-86. 5% * Analysis:- Majority of employees believe that there are growth opportunities available in the company. This helps to retain the employees in the organization and also to reduce the employee turnover of the company. Q5) Is the job assigned to you according to your qualification and caliber? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 10| 9| Disagree | 3| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 1| Others | 2| 2| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-86% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-83% * Analysis:- It appears that ? f women employees feel that they are assigned the jobs in accordance to their qualification and caliber whereas 80% men agree that their jobs have been assigned in accordance to their qualification and caliber. Thus, according to us for future aspects the human resource manager should see that he is able to provide the employees the work they excel in. Q6) Does your job makes the best use of your abilities? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 12| Agree| 11| 8| Disagree | 4| 4| Strongly Disagree| 0| 1| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-80% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-82% * Analysis:- Comparatively, less percentage of respondents feel that their abilities are not properly utilized or cashed by the company for performing jobs. Hence, it is a very good sign for the organization. Q7) Is your career growth in the company commensurate with your skill? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 11| 12| Disagree | 1| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 3| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-92% Agreed Working Men-86% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-88% * Analysis:- 92% women feel that their growth in the organization is in accordance with the skills they possess whereas 86% men agreed with this statement. This perhaps reveal that men are more satisfied related to their skill applied and their job position as compared to women. Q8) Is Adequate job security provided to you by the company? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 14| Agree| 12| 11| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- Each agreed employee feels secure on the job in Areva T;D India Ltd and through this we can analyze that the employee turnover rate in the company would be very less. Q9) Do you feel that you have contributed in accomplishing the organization climate goal? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 11| Agree| 11| 10| Disagree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women:-87. 5% Agreed Working Men:- 90% Aggregate Agreed Percentage:-88. 75% * Analysis:- Company has achieved its goal with proper contribution of both male and female employees and this is supported by 87. 5% women and 90% men. It also reveals that the self analysis of employees is in tune with the organization’s achievements. Q10) Do you involve yourself in your work. Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 16| Agree| 12| 9| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- All male and female employees respond that they involve themselves in their work i. e. they are sincere towards their work which is a healthy point in the organization. Q 11) Do you feel proud by doing the important work in this organization? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 13| 14| Agree| 12| 11| Disagree | 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed working Women-100% Agreed Working Men-100% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-100% * Analysis:- Majority of employee’s favor that they are holding the important task in this organization and they are performing them very proudly. Thus we can analyze that the level of job satisfaction is high. Q12) Are adequate responsibilities provided to you for your personal and organizational growth? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 6| 10| Agree| 14| 12| Disagree | 5| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed Working Women-88% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-84% * Analysis:- 8% of the working women employees and 80% of men have agreed with the statement that the responsibilities provided to them for their personal and organizational growth are adequate. We can analyze that the company is maintaining a high level of employee satisfaction. Q13) Do you feel that your work load is challenging but not burdensome? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 8| 10| Agree | 12| 11| Disagree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 2| 1| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed Working Women:-86% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-83% * Analysis:- 86% of female employees and 80% of male employees of Areva T;D India Ltd. re enjoying their job as a challenge, and do not feel that their work is burden on them. This reveals that officers by and large are ready to perform challenging jobs. Q14) Are your working conditions congenial to perform the task assigned to you? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 11| 12| Agree| 13| 10| Disagree | 1| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-88% Agreed Working Men-96% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92% * Analysis:- 92% of respondents feel that Areva T;D India Ltd. provides favorable working conditions to perform different task. This is one of the reasons behind high level of performance that the employees have been giving. Q15) Does your team members equally contribute for each other’s goals.? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 13| Agree| 11| 11| Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-96% Agreed Working Men-92% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-94% * Analysis:- Majority of employees agree to the fact that there is proper team work and understanding amongst the employees of Areva TD Ltd. for achieving the goals. This also reveals that the goals of the organization and the employees are aligned. Q16) Are the people you are working with highly motivating and hard working.? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 12| 9| Disagree | 2| 3| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 2| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-84% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-84% * Analysis:- Encouragement and motivation to work hard and to perform with rigor in Areva TD India ltd. is supported by 84% of male and female employees. This reveals that the organizational climate in Areva TD Ltd. is motivating for the employees, and also that supervision and leadership in the organization is par satisfactory. Q17) Are your colleagues are cordial to you in the organization? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 12| 13| Agree| 11| 10| Disagree | 4| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 0| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-84% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-88% * Analysis:- Majority of employees agree that their colleagues are cordial to them. This reveals that by and large there is no conflict amongst employees and good spirit exists among employees irrespective of gender and the responsibilities assigned. Q18) Are your subordinates loyal to you? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 5| 9| Agree| 13| 12| Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 5| 3| * Response:- Agreed working women-84% Agreed Working Men-72% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-78% * Analysis:- 84% of female employees feel that their subordinates are loyal to them, where as in the case of male employees the sense dependence is only 72%. This reveals that there might be some dissatisfaction in the minds of the supervisors towards their subordinates, and also that the employees are not satisfied with the leadership skills of the supervisors. Q19) Do you feel to tell your boss what you think? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 5| 11| Agree| 15| 12| Disagree | 2| 1| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 3| 1| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-80% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-86% * Analysis:- A very good percentage of respondents say that there is openness in Areva TD India Ltd. , as they are free to discuss their problems and suggestions with their boss. It reveals that there is an open door policy in Areva TD Ltd. and freedom to express their ideas. This also shows that the flow of communication in the organization is very good and supportive, as opportunities are provided to the employees to express themselves. Q20) Does the response from your boss creates confidence in your work? | Male| Female| Strongly Agree| 10| 11| Agree| 13| 12| Disagree | 1| 2| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Others | 1| 0| * Response:- Agreed working women-92% Agreed Working Men-92% Aggregate Agreed Percentage-92% * Analysis:- A good percentage of employees feel that their boss is having encouraging motivating personality whose response builds confidence in their work. This shows that the leadership, direction and motivation skills of the managers are par satisfactory. FINDINGS It is found that more number of employees both women and men are satisfied with the benefits and incentives provided to them in Areva TD India Ltd. * It is found that both men and women equally agree that the salary provided to them is comparable to the industry and satisfied with their company. * Majority of men and women agree that proper oppurtunities are available in the industry. * It is found that the majority of women feel that they have cont ributed in accomplishing in company’s goal as compared to men. * It is found that most of men feel that their team members contribute equally for each others goal. It is found that all the empolyees agree that they have maintained a good team spirit amongst them. * It is found that more percentage of men employees feel that the job assigned to them is according to their qualification and caliber than women employees. LIMITATIONS of the study * There is a limited sample size i. e. only 50 which is small because the aim of the study was to look into difference in the responces of male and female employees. However, the number of working female employees were less as compared to the male employees in the organisation and the data was collected in equal ratio from both males as well as females. As the questionnaire was distributed amongest various employees of Areva TD India Ltd. few of the employees were hasitant in answering the questionaries. * Some of the employees in Areva T D India Ltd. were given enough time to answer to questionnaire but still they were not able to do the required. * Some employees did not respond few questions because they were not sure about the answer as the questionair was in the objective form. * A very busy as well as hectic scedule was prevalent which was an obstruction. How to cite Hr Live Project on Job Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction, Essay examples